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Ladies, If You Want A Happy Marriage, Never marry a man who has these annoying qualities.

Ladies, If You Want A Happy Marriage, Never marry a man who has these annoying qualities.

Here are some of the annoying qualities you should look out for before you decide to marry a man!

1. Trust issues.

Fearing losing someone you love dearly, but when your partner has trust issues despite the fact that he has never made you feel insecure says a lot about his level of possessiveness.

2. Disrespectful and heartless.

If your man thinks of himself as the superior in the relationship, don’t even think about marriage! Self-respect is above all else. Don’t be around people who disrespect you!

3. Fighting for no reason

Having common misunderstandings is okay. But when this becomes a regular thing in a relationship, it is harmful in the long run.

4. When you don’t have their attention, even when you’re together.

Not having the attention of the one you love is really saddening, especially when you decide to be a life partner. If he can’t give you his undivided attention, does he really deserve to be with you forever?

5. He considers himself perfect.

No one is perfect; we are all human beings who make mistakes. If your partner, on the other hand, refuses or despises to admit his faults, you should reconsider marrying him.

6. He never listens to what you have to say.

Honestly, this may seem like a really small matter to think about, but when he rarely gives you a chance to talk or is interested in hearing what you have to say, it becomes really annoying.

7. He likes to blame you for everything.

If there is a problem, strong, loving couples will usually solve it by accepting equal responsibility for it. However, you should not marry a man who refuses to acknowledge your faults and blames you for everything that is wrong in your relationship.

8. A poor and lazy man

Some men are unemployed and have no steady source of income. Some are educated, but blame the government for their unemployment. It is fair for a man to do everything possible to get a job. An unemployed man who sleeps on the couch all day and wonders how he can get a job should not be married. He is just poor and lazy to be taken seriously for marriage.

9. He has a problem with connecting to his family.

Marriage is not just between two people, it also means that you become part of each other’s family. But when your partner has problems with his family, it means that he is not ready yet.

10. He never keeps his promises.

Promises are never meant to be broken, especially when you have made them to your life partner. If you see him breaking his promises over and over again, it means that he is not ready for commitment.

Source:sarcasm.co, ng.opera.news