Home relationship 6 Physical Features Guys Can’t Resist in a Woman

6 Physical Features Guys Can’t Resist in a Woman

6 Physical Features Guys Can’t Resist in a Woman

1. A wider waist to hip ratio

A ratio of 7:10 is particularly nice, apparently. Waist and hips are related to childbirth, making men think, those big hips would be great for delivering my baby! This one is pretty obvious – men like small waists and big butts.

2. A high voice

A high-pitched voice evokes youth and signifies a small, feminine body, both of which are attractive to men.

3. Healthy hair

Shiny, full, and long hair is very attractive. Again, it is a sign of health and fertility.

4. Smiles

Well, obviously, happy people are attractive people. But science has also proven that the whiter the teeth, the better.

5. Less make-up

You may think that contouring, layers of eye shadow, and bold lips make you more beautiful, but it turns out that natural looks are more appealing to men. Men prefer women who use less cosmetics. The natural you, is the best you.

6. Wearing red

There is a reason why red is associated with lust. Wearing red increases attraction. Note to self: Dry, clean red dress for Saturday night.
