3 Best Foods That Prevent Kidney Stones From Forming And Developing

One in 20 people develops kidney stones at some point in their lives. Kidney stones are formed when there is a decrease in urine volume and excess urine-forming substances. Dehydration is a significant risk factor for the formation of kidney stones.
Kidney stone disorder is among the most common concerns for most people out there. Unhealthy eating habits and insufficient water consumption are considered the main causes of urinary tract formation.
The accumulation of dissolved minerals in the inner lining of the kidneys leads to the formation of stones that can grow from small to the size of a large golf ball with a crystalline structure.
Proper water intake in the body is lacking resulting in the formation of kidney stones, as the insufficient supply of water does not waste the uric acid, making the urine more acidic, which gradually leads to stone formation. The most common symptoms of this disorder are bleeding and burning sensation by urination, vomiting, urinary pus formation associated with fever and tremor.
In case you are sufficiently hydrated, it will help your system dilute the chemicals responsible for stone formation.
Besides water, the inclusion of the three main eating habits in your diet can play an important role in the prevention of kidney stones. Like:
1. Increase in citrus intake
Lemon, orange, and grapefruit are the best natural sources of citric acid are. Citric acid builds a protective shield against the formation of stones in your kidney. It helps break down the potential blocks of stone formation into smaller pieces that are expelled through urination.
2. Include Calcium (vitamin D)
Reduce your oxalate level, including more calcium in your diet. It is always recommended by health experts to extract calcium from natural sources and not from dietary supplements. Milk, cheese, and yogurt are considered the main sources of calcium.
Moreover, dark green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and vegetables are also a rich source of calcium. It is also important to increase your intake of vitamin D as it helps absorb more calcium. The lower the calcium level in your diet, the more you increase the oxalate level, which is primarily responsible for the formation of stones.
3. Water-soluble fruits and vegetables
Even though it is advisable to drink plenty of water and healthy fluids to avoid rock formation, the consumption of water and vegetables is prescribed by doctors to get rid of stones. The inclusion of fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, raspberry, orange, cucumber, and pineapple helps keep the body well hydrated, reducing the possibility of kidney stones and urinary tract formation.
Surgical techniques have also been developed to remove kidney stones when other treatment methods are not working. This can be done through a small incision in the skin or through an instrument known as a ureteroscope passing through the urethra and the bladder to the ureter.
Stone collection depends on many factors, including hereditary and medical cases, which have also shown that a person may suffer from kidney stones several times during their lifetime, and men are the ones who suffer most from chronic stone formation. The prevention of causes responsible for this complication is a rather difficult process which requires little patience and determination. One should not ignore the main symptoms of stone formation before it takes a fatal leap.
Are Home Remedies Effective For Kidney Stones?
Home remedies can be suggested to be appropriate and good for some people who have had many kidney stones. When sending out kidney stones, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. This is the most crucial home care measure. Drugs can help control pain. However, if this is the first time you have symptoms that suggest a kidney stone, you should see a doctor immediately.
Source: elitethrive.com