Home relationship 9 Signs He’s Going to Dυɱρ You— Be Prepared

9 Signs He’s Going to Dυɱρ You— Be Prepared

9 Signs He’s Going to Dυɱρ You— Be Prepared

1. Everything is more important than you to him.

If you’re the last thing he’s worried about and the last thing on his mind, it’s a sign that he doesn’t care enough to keep this thing going.

2. Lack of interest in intimacy.

He won’t like being sexually attracted to you, and will avoid you every time you approach him. He won’t even give you the opportunity to touch him talk more about intimacy.

3. Inadequate communication.

Communication is still the number one key to a healthy relationship, and if you find that your level of contact with him has reduced to almost zero, you know there’s a problem somewhere.

4. It is clear that he is looking for someone else, or that he has already been cheated on.

Is he actively looking for new girls? If he is looking for another mate, he is likely to dump you as soon as he finds one. Even if he’s not going to dump you, do you really want a guy who has a girl on the side?

5. Too many unnecessary arguments.

Your man has changed so much that he barely finds joy in anything you do, either he chooses to fight with you or you both will start arguing about unnecessary things.

6. You both seem to have more bad days than good days.

Both of you are no longer happy being together, and he is happier when he is with his phone or when he is with other people who are with you. He no longer has a long conversation with you, and he changes moods quickly whenever you show up.

7. He no longer pays attention to you.

He is no longer ready to give you his attention. He doesn’t care if you’re okay or not, or if you needed anything, all he cares about is just himself and only his happiness. He won’t enjoy spending his time with you.

8. He has withdrawn, introducing you to his family and friends.

He no longer wants you to meet his new friends or family. Instead, he will have to give you some excuse for not letting you see your loved ones.

9. He won’t give you access to his cell phone.

He usually hides it from you, or will use a password that you can’t think of, to lock your phone to prevent you from touching it. This is a sign that he has found someone else and doesn’t want you to spoil his show for him.