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7 ways a woman only acts when she no longer loves a man

7 ways a woman only acts when she no longer loves a man

Women are sensitive beings. They get disappointed when they feel that things are not working the way it should work. The entire behavior of women undergoes a change when she want to assert that she is no more the same. You can see it in her eyes, feel it in her touch, and hear it in her tone. She is not the same and this tells you she is not coming back. Let’s find out the basic change in a woman when she doesn’t love a man anymore

1. She doesn’t seem like she cares anymore

You feel like there’s no effort there and that her affection for you is slowly dying. It’s as if she’s lost interest in life in general, but in truth, she has only lost interest in you. It’s as if all the vitality and animation that was once in her life has suddenly vanished, and you don’t know what to do about it.

2. She stops putting in the effort to make your relationship work

She sees that your relationship is dying and withering, and she is making no effort whatsoever to save it from a slow and painful death. She couldn’t care less about whether you two fight all the time, and she no longer has the patience to resolve any lingering arguments between the two of you.

3. Self Centred

Girls when they are in relationship with someone they give their hundred percent to their relationship. But once they decide that they want to get out of this relationship. She makes it a point to do so. So the change that you can notice in her that she becomes self centered. She proves that she is her own hero.

4. Communication is rare between both of you

Communication is always the bedrock of any strong relationship. A couple engaging in open communication with each other is always more likely to survive as opposed to couples who shut each other out. When you and your woman no longer have deep and meaningful conversations, then that means she has probably lost interest in you and that your spark is dying.

5. She acts on her own accord regardless of how you feel

Your thoughts and feelings are irrelevant to her. She will do what she wants regardless of how it’s going to make you feel. If her actions end up hurting you in the end, then it really isn’t a problem for her because she doesn’t really love you anymore.

6. She stops asking for and giving you attention

She used to ask for a lot of your attention in the past, and she considered you the most important person in her life. However, she stopped acknowledging your existence and she does not ask for your attention because she doesn’t need it anymore.

7. Physical intimacy is a rarity

Physical intimacy is something you no longer remember. When you lack physical intimacy, your relationship is certainly not on a good path.