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If You Notice Any Of These Signs, He Might Be Secretly Seeing Someone Else

If You Notice Any Of These Signs, He Might Be Seeing Someone Else

1. He doesn’t contact you as much as he used to

Regardless of your relationship status (dating or married), he may be seeing someone else if he no longer has time for you. You may notice a decline in the times he speaks to you and the number of times he approaches you. Even going out on dates is now a rare occasion. This is a sign that he may be talking to another girl.

2. Spends too much time on the phone

Has your guy started charging your phone in an overly protective manner? Has he changed his password for social media? Has he been sneaky with his incoming calls during odd hours? Does he frequently check his phone when he is on a date with you? Or perhaps he is constantly texting and messaging when his attention should be focused solely on you.

3. He Has New Grooming Routines

This is one of the telltale signs that your partner is actively looking for another woman. Have you noticed any changes in his grooming routine?

4. He doesn’t want to talk about the future

If he doesn’t want to discuss the future and seems insecure for no apparent reason, there may be some cause for concern. Even conversations about your plans next week become too much for him, and he may complain that you think too much.

5. He checks out other women

He lets his gaze run free even when he is with you. He doesn’t hesitate to stare at other women – This sign shows his disrespect for you and the relationship. It can be a sign that he is wandering.

6. There is a “Girl-Friend.”

She is a little too close to her partner, and he claims that nothing is wrong, and it is a pure bond of friendship. They spend too much time together, to the point that he often ends up canceling on you, doesn’t give her time, and always talks about her. This is a significant indicator that your partner may be pulling away and someone else may be closer than you think.

7. He doesn’t have time for you

He no longer seems to feel the same way and no longer wants to engage with you emotionally or physically. Dates are cancelled, video calls are stopped halfway through due to “bad network,” and work has become so extensive that he no longer even has time for a good night’s texting. It could be an obvious indicator of his infidelity, or at the very least, a sign that he is attracted to other women.

8. He compares you to other women

He criticizes your appearance, behaves strangely, and perhaps tries to push you away emotionally. He also holds you to an unrealistic standard that didn’t seem to exist before.

9. His mood swings are through the roof

Your partner may feel shame, anger, and guilt inside, which manifests as negative feelings and behaviors. You may even feel anxious due to the constant fear of getting caught. This is especially true if you have been in a committed relationship.

10. Fight back more often

If he is involved with someone else, he may feel that he is stuck with you. In that case, he may start picking fights over minor things