Home Moral Stories This is what a man does if he is cheating on you...

This is what a man does if he is cheating on you and you are unaware of it

This is what a man does if he is chєαting on you and you are unaware of it

Not every woman notices these unexpected signs that her husband or boyfriend is chєαting on her. Watch out for these seven signs in your relationship

1. He gives too many explanations

If he’s hiding something, he has already thought all the details to cover it up. So, when you ask what’s up, every detail probably pours right out. His response may even sound rehearsed, because it has been.

2. He would act out of character

If your boyfriend’s character has changed, then something in his life have changed. It could be his priority towards you that changed. One of the defining characteristics of a chєαting man is that he acts out of character. And it will be easiest one to notice too.

3. He never leaves his phone and deletes text messages

He is spending a lot of time on his phone and takes it everywhere he goes (even the washroom). Not only that, he refuses to share his phone password with you.

People don’t delete their text messages these days. If he is doing that, he definitely is hiding something from you

4. Change in attire

He doesn’t care much about what he is wearing and you tried your best to make him dress nice but he wouldn’t? But now all of a sudden he is paying much attention to his appearance? He started working out, started using perfumes and is now adding up on branded clothing’s? He never did that when you asked him to do but started doing all of those without you asking? Men do not go through such changes without any reason.

5. There will be some gap

The guy who was your thick and thin is now going far and far? That’s a clear indicator that he didn’t like something you did or doesn’t like you at all. Do you feel as though he’s stopped paying attention to you and constantly ignores you? Can you feel that his priority for you has changed? Is he no longer replying you instantly as he used to do? Is he less interested, concerned, and invested in you, and your life? Then he is definitely bored of you and is no longer into a relationship with you.

6. He will blame you

He will try his best to make you let go of him, so it wouldn’t feel like he is the one who ended the relationship. And when everything else fails to do that, he would start blaming you for anything and everything. In-fact, a common characteristic of a chєαting man is that he accuses you of chєαting on him. He will tell that you are the one who’s being unfαithful, so he can deflect blame and guilt.

7. He avoids being alone with you

If he avoids being alone with you in the same room, it may be a sign that he’s having an αffαir. If he knows that he’s done something wrong, being alone with you can make him uncomfortable.