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6 Signs Your Partner Is Tired Of You and Doesn’t Want A Relationship With You Anymore

6 Signs Your Partner Is Tired Of You and Doesn’t Want A Relationship With You Anymore

There is cause for alarm if you have noticed any of the following things:

1. He is always irritated by you, especially when you are being sweet or affectionate.

If you have seen a change in his conduct over time, it is always one of the typical signs that He is fed up with being around you.

2. All communication has ceased.

If he can’t be bothered to connect and talk about what is bothering him, it is an indication that he is too tired of the relationship to make an effort.

3. He doesn’t express concern or ask about your well-being.

When someone forgets or doesn’t bother to ask how you’re doing, you know he’s tired of you.
This is also a clue if he forgets about big events or shows a lack of interest in things that are important to you.

4. He gets angry with or at you over minor issues

Don’t jump to conclusions; it could be related to other issues he is having. Take a closer look at why he is so angry with you. It is possible that it is due to a lack of patience.

5. He no longer invites you to social events

He refuses to invite your partner to social activities. Whether HE creates reasons why he can’t go or his friends ghost him, these are all red flags.

6. You’re not spending enough time with each other

This is the case, it’s a sign that the relationship is starting to show cracks.