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If Your Guy Has These 10 Habits, Marry Him Right Now

If Your Guy Has These 10 Habits, Marry Him Right Now

A person’s actions speak louder than words. So, if you’re not sure if a man is really interested in you, if you’re trying to decide whether or not to go further, or if you’re just wondering if a person is worth your time, these qualities will help you make your decision.

1. He respects women

If he respects your word, opens the entrance for you, or does those noble things for you, keep him around.

2. He knows all your favorite foods.

If he knows what you like to eat, whether it’s your coffee order, your favorite flavor of ice cream, or your favorite pasta restaurant, it means he pays attention to the little details about you and cares about your likes and dislikes.

3. He lets you know where he is.

He tells you where he is when he’s busy somewhere, so you don’t worry unnecessarily or just to check up on him, which shows that he’s responsible and that you’re always in the back of his mind. He does this out of mutual respect.

4. He takes care of you.

Whether it’s picking up your dry cleaning, giving you an aspirin when you have a headache, or making you a ginger tea when you have a cold. This shows that he cares about you and that in the future, if something important happens, he will most likely take care of you.

5. He calls you first when something important happens.

If you are the first person he calls to give the news, it means he puts you first and wants to share anything good that happens to him with you.

6 He is kind to children/the children seem to like him.

Children are often good judges of people. If they like him, he is clearly a keeper.

7. He is never too busy for you.

He makes it a point to spend quality time with you, even if his schedule is tight.

8. He always answers your texts and calls.

He acts like a responsible adult and never leaves you hanging or ignores your calls. If he’s busy, he’ll let you know and call you back as soon as he gets a chance.

9. He gives you thoughtful, personalized birthday gifts.

He reminds you how much you mean to him by giving you personalized gifts instead of buying you something expensive.

10. He’s confident enough to like your strengths.

He supports and encourages your independence, which is what he loves about you. He respects your need to maintain your own friendships, but is happy to join you when invited