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LADIES: 6 Common Things You Are Doing That Push Men Away

LADIES: 6 Common Things You Are Doing That Push Men Away

1. Showing desperation and excessive interest in a man.

It’s only natural for men to be willing and desperate to pursue or court a woman, but when it’s the other way around, it becomes offensive.

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, never chase your man. Instead, back off a bit and give him the space to come to you…

2. Over-analyze

A man can say or do something without thinking too much about it, while a woman will spend hours spying on the nuances of his statement or act. If you’re always obsessing over small details and confronting him with them, things will quickly become uncomfortable, making him want to run away!

3. A blaming and complaining attitude.

There’s nothing wrong with expressing your feelings or emotional state as a woman, nor is there anything wrong with talking to your partner about the things that bother you in the relationship, but when expressing your feelings about things you don’t like becomes your usual attitude and lifestyle, it becomes offensive and disturbing. Men naturally have a habit of avoiding women who have a habit of complaining about every situation.

4. Lack of care and laziness in domestic tasks or personal hygiene.

Men, especially the educated and enlightened ones, find it annoying to deal with a woman who takes poor care of her body. A shabby hairdo, awful body odor, long and messy fingers and toenails, and dirty clothes can discourage most men from showing interest in a woman.

5. Not showing interest or concern for her well-being.

Women are not the only ones who want to be taken care of, men also want to be treated with care and affection. When a woman shows a lack of interest in a man’s health or other issues that concern him, it sends a signal that he is not loved and appreciated, and believe me, this feeling alone can drive any man away from a woman, even those they admire.

6. Trying to change him 

Trying to change someone is not the basis for a healthy, lasting partnership. There’s nothing wrong with helping and encouraging someone to aim higher, but nagging and criticizing someone for not meeting your expectations is sure to drive a man away!