Home Funny When a man touches your hair, here’s what it means

When a man touches your hair, here’s what it means

Your hair is one of the things that makes you a woman. So your priority on your hair is to take good care of them. When a guy touches your hair, so many things are involved. Do you get confused when your guy touches your hair? What does it mean? Continue reading to know about some basic reasons why a guy touches your hair.

1. He likes your hair

The reason why he touches your hair is maybe he likes the hair and isn’t able to hold on to it. A guy that likes your hair, Maybe you plait a new hairstyle, and he admires it so much that he may come closer to touch it to express how much the hair attracts him.

2. He might be innocently flirting with you

If a guy is just innocently flirting with you, he might hold your hair and touch your hair. That’s it; there is nothing more to it. Such guys might flirt with every girl they find beautiful. It is just their way of showing concern or attraction. Such guys won’t even look deep into your eyes while touching your hair. Read their body language carefully. If his eyes are roving here and there, then probably he is just flirting with you and has no serious feelings for you.

3. He is in love with you

A guy who is in love with you will touch your hair and your cheeks often. He finds you beautiful and every part of your body beautiful. He looks deep into your eyes while touching your hair and sometimes just playfully moves your loose tresses from your eyes. If you feel the same about this guy, then his touching your hair will send tingles down your spine else you might find it really creepy. Even when he kisses you, he often runs his fingers through your hair. Your guy does this because he loves you. He loves his woman with lovely hair and he loves to touch his woman’s soft and lovely hair. Even while your guy gives you a hug, he often strokes your hair from behind because he is in love with the whole of you and he loves your hair especially.

4. He is touching your hair because he is attracted to you

Sometimes, you may not love someone, but you may suddenly feel for the person, and you may not be able to control your feelings, which can lead to touching her hair. So if a guy touches your hair, especially a guy you are not used to. He is not your boyfriend, but he suddenly starts admiring your hair to the extent of touching them. It shows that he is attracted to you.

5. He may want to calm you down by doing that.

He may notice that you are sad or not in a good mood but could not speak with you directly. Instead, he chooses to touch your hair to calm you down. This is normal in the life of two friends that love themselves, but maybe they are afraid to let it known to each other. It’s a sign that shows he has feelings for you.