Home relationship 10 Signs She Never Really Loved You

10 Signs She Never Really Loved You

10 Signs She Never Really Loved You

1. She never appreciated you for who you are

What we all need as people is acceptance for who you are and what you stand for, but if she never seemed to care about your personality, ability and the contribution you made, then it’s another sign that she never loved you

2. She Never Acknowledged Any of Your Effort

You did everything you could to impress her and keep your relationship alive, but it never moved her. It seems that you are the one who does everything while she has done nothing. This is a sign that she never even loved you.

3. She never considered your needs

When you told her about something she wanted, she didn’t give you much thought and instead, she always seemed to find a way to lecture you on how selfish, uncaring and petty she is. She said that if a woman truly loves you, she will do anything to meet your needs.

4. She has never tried to resolve any disagreement

According to her, this is a huge red flag because when the relationship is important to people, they put in action to make things happen. This is one of the signs that she never truly loved him, especially when she never acknowledged his feelings.

5. She was more interested in being with other people than you

She didn’t want to spend much time with you but is always ready to meet up with her friends, so it’s possible that she had little or no interest in being with you.

6. She never talked about your future together

According to her, women are usually the first to initiate the future conversation. So, if she never did, then she never thought about a future between the two of you. When you even try to talk about it, she’s not interested, so she never really loved you.

7. She wasn’t jealous at all

She said that a healthy amount of jealousy is good for every relationship and serves as a reminder of how much we really value our partners. If she didn’t blink when you’re talking to other women when they’re trying to get your attention, then there was no love in her heart for you.

8. She was never there for you in your bad times

When you were going through hard times, if she wasn’t there for you, then she didn’t truly love you. She was just self-centred. A true sign of love is that she clings to you when you are going through hard times.

9. She was more into the material aspect of the relationship

If she was more interested in the material aspect than the emotional and loving parts, it is likely that love was not truly involved. You have too many things for her materially and possibly when things got tough, she upped then never truly loved you.

10. He never felt truly loved by her

She said that feeling loved is an important part of being in a relationship and if you don’t feel loved then there is no reason to be together. If she cared about your feelings and well-being then she will do everything in her power to make sure you feel loved. She would do everything in her power to make you happy.