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5 intimate things your partner want you to do rather than sleeping with them

5 intimate things your partner want you to do rather than sleeping with them

If you are thinking sleeping with your partner is the most intimate, you are totally wrong. Here’s what is more intimate.

1. Look deeply into each other’s eyes.

There is something exhilarating about staring deeply into the eyes of a person you love very much. It’s as if you are being granted access to the deepest and darkest parts of a person’s core. The level of intimacy between two people staring deeply at each other’s eyes is immeasurable. It’s a different kind of intimacy compared to that of a physical touch, but that doesn’t mean that it is any less potent.

2. Sleep together in bed and just lie there with each other without doing anything

The act of sleeping together in the same bed can serve as a greater metaphor of comfort and security with each other. You wake up in the mornings and live your individual lives as you face the world on your own; but after all is said is done, the both of you come home to each other to sleep on the same bed. There are few things in the world that are more intimate than that.

3. Take care of your partner when he or she becomes sick.

Sickness will come and go, but these moments of physical weakness can be seen as opportunities for couples to express their intimacy in a very nurturing and maternal manner.

4. Compliment each other on a regular basis.

Tell your boyfriend that his haircut looks good on him. Tell your girlfriend that she looks really pretty even when she’s not wearing makeup. Tell him that his outfit is definitely on point today. Tell her that her skin is glowing and that you’re falling in love with her even more and more. Intimacy can also be expressed through verbal communication. You can be fully intimate with your partner whenever you compliment each other. Don’t be afraid to let your partner know what you love about them the most. These are very subtle manifestations of intimacy, but they are greatly appreciated nonetheless.

5. Just be with each other and do nothing.

Love knows no address, time, nor space. You can be perfectly in love with each other whether you’re lounging around on your sofa or you’re standing underneath the Eiffel tower. There is lots of intimacy to be shared when you just allow yourselves to enjoy each other’s company. You don’t have to be doing any grand or fancy activities that make your heart race and your blood flow faster. You only need to be with each other, and that should always be enough when it comes to being intimate.