Home Life Never Date Or Love Someone Who Does Any Of These Things

Never Date Or Love Someone Who Does Any Of These Things

Never Date Or Love Someone Who Does Any Of These Things

1. Someone who looks down on you

If someone looks down on everything you have achieved and they try to present themselves much better than you are, think about it whether you want to be with such a person for the rest of your life.

2. Someone who doesn’t allow you to go through their phone

A person who does not hide anything will never keep their phone away from you. If they don’t allow you to be anywhere near their phone, it is a common sign they are not faithful.

3. Someone who doesn’t give a solid response about personal questions

A strong relationship needs solid communication. If communication is not in line with a person’s thoughts and feelings, that relationship is doomed to fail.

4. Someone who doesn’t speak in a straightforward manner

If your partner makes up different stories with twisted endings, it will be difficult to trust them, right? So, if your partner often exaggerates and something seems fishy, it probably is.

5. Someone who stops talking to you if you two do not have $ex for a week

If your date is only looking at you as an object for fulfilling their ѕєχυαℓ desires, they might avoid communication. ѕєχ is important for a relationship but it does not mean you have to do it if you are not feeling ready yet.

6. Someone who doesn’t spend time with your friends and family

If your date dislikes your family and is very open about it, this relationship is not worth spending a minute of your life.

7. Someone who never accepts their faults

If they don’t accept or acknowledge their faults, but instead try to blame it on you, stay away from this person.

8. Someone who flirts with strangers in front of you

If they do this just to make you feel jealous are not worth enough, run away as fast as possible. It is a clear sign of future infidelity.

9. Self-obsessed

This person will never care about your feelings and will always make it about them. If they want you to follow their needs and desires without having the slightest concerns about your own, you don’t deserve being treated like that.

10. Someone who talks about their ex

If he/she constantly mentions or talks about their ex, they are probably not over them and are just using you to heal. This kind of relationship is never a good one.

11. You are not a priority

If your date never makes time in their schedule to meek with you, you are probably not a priority and the simply don’t want to be with you. Move on and stop wasting your time.