Home relationship 8 Habits You Do Can Lead To ¢нєαтιиg In Your Marriage

8 Habits You Do Can Lead To ¢нєαтιиg In Your Marriage

8 Habits You Do Can Lead To ¢нєαтιиg In Your Marriage

1. Criticising your partner in public, in private or online

When you look at your partner with a critical eye, you are more likely to have your eyes opened to someone else and your partner is more likely to be attracted to someone who praises you rather than criticises you. Be your partner’s biggest encourager; not their biggest critic!

2. Keeping secrets from your partner

The moment you start deleting text messages, hiding things or doing anything you hope your partner won’t find out about, you’re already way out of line! Never keep secrets and never tell lies to your partner.

3. Bottling up feelings

When emotions are not able to be freely communicated and validated within a relationship, this sets up a potential disconnect that can eventually lead to cheating. It is important to express to your partner how you really feel, so that these bottled up emotions do not break out into resentment and a desire to have your needs met in another relationship.

4. Lack of physical affection.

You and your partner are not hugging, holding hands. These small acts of everyday physical touch are so important for the physical and emotional connection that holds a husband and wife together. A marriage Lacking physical affection is in a dangerous and vulnerable place.

5. Getting involved with friends who don’t know (or like) your partner

The partner who had the affair had also spent time with friends or co-workers who do not encourage marital fidelity. Surround yourself with friends who strengthen your character and stay away from those who try to compromise your character.

6. Stubborn pride

When you start to disrespect your partner by belittling their views, you are opening the door to infidelity.

7. Threatening divorce

Whenever you start creating exit strategies in your mind or whenever you threaten to leave, it creates an atmosphere where infidelity (and/or many other negative factors) can more easily happen.

8. When we stop making efforts to strengthen our marriage

If this (or any of the factors on this list) is happening in your marriage, don’t lose hope and don’t fall into the toxic temptation to have an affair.