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8 Tips That Will Help You To Know If Your Man Is In Love With You

8 Tips That Will Help You To Know If Your Man Is In Love With You

1. He loves you and respects you for who you are

You are much more than a beautiful face and body, and you know that he loves you completely, despite your flaws. He accepts your choices in life and supports you in your decisions.

2. He will make an effort to keep you

Making a relationship work requires an effort from both partners. If your man truly loves you, he would play his part in making the relationship work. He wouldn’t want to lose you and will show you that you are worth the effort.

3. He cares about your opinion

When a man really loves a woman, he cares about her opinion and makes a point of listening to her. What you think about religion, politics or even the color of walls is relevant to it.

You feel that he really listens to you because he pays attention even when you are talking about trivial things.

4. He always supports you

A man who truly loves you will stay by your side when challenges and unexpected situations arise. Any man can be there for you when everything is rosy but only a man who truly loves you will stand by you when you go through rough times.

5. He is invested in your growth

He cheers for you, really. Whatever the challenge, such as an important task at work, a job interview etc he looks forward to everything going smoothly.

He believes in you and your ability and still makes a point of telling this to everyone.

6. He is open and honest

A man who truly loves a woman will be open and honest with her. He is comfortable sharing his secrets with you because he knows they are safe with you.

7. You are the priority

Will he have to go out of his way to fetch you at work? Will he show up when you are at your lowest moment? He does not make this a big deal. He is always ready to pronounce you his number one and make important changes because he loves you.

He loves you and therefore you are always the priority in his life.

8. He is a giver

There is no love without giving, it just doesn’t work. Is he giving you his time, does he give you money and gifts randomly without flinching or expecting anything in return? then he is definitely in love with you.