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If Your Man Has 10 Special Qualities, You Should Never Let Him Go

If Your Man Has 10 Special Qualities, You Should Never Let Him Go

1. Support your passions and decisions.

A good man will always support you and what you want to do with your life. He is by your side every step of the way, cheering you on in your victories and comforting you in your defeats.

2. It adds value to your life.

He must bring a quality that inspires you to grow, whether that means he is smarter or more ambitious than you.

3. He is comfortable being completely stupid with you.

Your life is a long journey that needs to be punctuated with fun moments. He is playing with you or exposing his inner child without inhibition. No matter how angry or upset you are with him, this guy can always make you smile.

4. He loves you.

Even if you’re not the one who needs the validation, your partner should show how much they love and adore you without necessarily putting you on a pedestal.

5. Be willing to compromise.

You’ll never disagree on anything, so make sure he or she is open to your needs and wants.

6. Treat your family just as well.

If your partner shows no respect for your friends and family, it’s hard to ignore them, even if they have no problem showing their appreciation.

7. Value your opinions.

Your partner doesn’t have to agree with you all the time, but he or she should be able to respect your beliefs (without imposing theirs on you) even if they are different from their own.

8. Love yourself as much as he or she loves you.

The best partner is someone who can stand on his or her own two feet without constantly depending on your company or attention. He or she needs to be comfortable with himself or herself and totally safe without your presence.

9. Trustworthy.

Without trust, there is no basis for love or respect. He or she understands that trust is not simply given to someone – it must be earned and then kept.

10. Exhilarate you, not exhaust you.

Your partner should get you excited about life and what it has to offer. He or she should never make you feel bad about yourself or diminish your spirit in any way.