Home relationship 8 Signs That Your Relationship Just Isn’t Going To Last

8 Signs That Your Relationship Just Isn’t Going To Last

8 Signs That Your Relationship Just Isn’t Going To Last

1. You’ve been in the relationship just for the passion.

Passion has brought you together as a couple but you haven’t experienced a strong connection in other areas. It’s not going to become long-term. You should be emotionally and mentally connected as well. If You’re in this together for the passion only the relationship won’t last long.

2. Your partner is happier when you are not around.

Around you, he is dull and depressed, but around others, he seems to be back to his old self.

3. You try to change the other person.

People can change, but it takes time, and it doesn’t work if someone tries to force it. If you find yourself thinking, “This person would be perfect if only ….,” you are probably less happy than you think.

4. There is no honesty or openness.

There are big problems when you hide things from your partner or when you feel you can’t be yourself. Hiding feelings can happen because there is no trust. If this is the case, the relationship is not on solid ground.

5. Little things annoy you.

Especially if they are little things they want to do to be nice but end up annoying you anyway. For example, they offer to do the dishes, but do them wrong, and you get annoyed instead of laughing at their mistake.

6. Every argument feels like it could end in a breakup.

If you can’t have a calm (or even heated!) discussion with your partner without feeling like they’re going to dump you at the end, there’s a problem.

7. You feel like you have to constantly sacrifice your feelings to please him.

Sometimes you have to put your feelings aside to appease someone else, and sometimes that sucks. If you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around your partner, that’s not a good sign. Not only are you allowing him or her to do it, but it’s exhausting for you.

8. You and your partner don’t discuss the future.

Your relationship isn’t meant to last if you don’t have the same vision for life and are constantly at odds with each other over decisions that impact that vision.