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If he no longer says “I Love You”, here’s what it really means

If he no longer says “I Love You”, here’s what it really means

1. He Is Unsure Of Your Relationship

It could be that he is unsure of your relationship, and he doesn’t want to keep on saying it back or saying it first, to give you false hope that the relationship is heading in the right direction. This is partially good, as it does cause you to take a step back and have a look at the relationship.

Although it can be really difficult to deal with, you might notice some toxic or unhealthy behavior in the relationship, and it might be worth evaluating things. If not, and if he is just feeling unsure, it is still something you should talk about, as you both deserve to know where you stand in your relationship.

Determine whether there is a future for the both of you or not, and if there is a way to rekindle your love.

2. He Is Stressed

That’s may be stress at work or his personal life. It might be overtaking a lot of his thoughts and be quite overwhelming, and telling you “I love you”, might be the last thing on his mind at the moment.

All of this stress could be causing him to become fairly distant from you. The last thing you would want to do is add more pressure to his life, but you do deserve to know why his behavior has changed, and if there is anything else going on in the relationship

3. He Has Fallen Out Of Love

Often we have no control over this, whether you are the one falling out of love, or your partner loses his love for you.

He might not be saying that he loves you anymore because he just doesn’t. He isn’t unsure, he just has fallen out of love with you and it is not much you can do about it.

Yes, you can try and ignite the spark again, but give yourself enough respect to not stay in a relationship where you are always trying to make things work, and where you are not getting anything back from your partner.

4. He Is Seeing Someone Else

He may be seeing someone else, and he either doesn’t love you anymore, or his guilt is preventing him from saying it to you.

This is obviously something that nobody wants to go through in their relationship, but it is something that does happen. However, you should not immediately jump to – jumping to conclusions can cause a huge rift in your relationship, and you should be fairly sure before approaching him with this. Look for other signs that he might be seeing someone else. Does he hide his phone from you? Is he more secretive about where he is and what he has been doing?

There are a few signs to look for that he might be seeing someone else, and keep an eye out for these before sitting him down and talking to him about this.