Home News Proud dad overwhelmed by people’s reaction to 3 photos that he posted...

Proud dad overwhelmed by people’s reaction to 3 photos that he posted on social media

This father didn’t expect the overwhelming response.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

We are forever thankful for the invention of the camera, if not because of them, we wouldn’t be able to immortalize precious moments and milestones in our lives like birthdays, graduations, weddings, and anniversaries.

Camera development has gone far, beyond, and beyond. Professional photographers may now take photographs of objects that are thousands of kilometers distant.

However, some people use the camera to simply capture important moments involving their loved ones.

Consider this father from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

One day, Niamh’s dad, Ciarán Shannon, decided to show the world how proud he was of his daughter. He took to his Twitter account and shared three photos of his lovely daughter showing different stages of her academic life.

It was his straightforward introduction into the well-known trend “How it Started.” “How’s it going?”

He wasn’t ready for what happened next.

His only objective was to express his pride in his daughter; little did he anticipate that his simple social media post would become viral.

“I’ve just been watching the numbers go up and up,” he told BBC. “It’s like watching the electric meter when the tumble dryer is on.”

“I’m flabbergasted by the reaction my pictures have got,” he added. “The good thing is that now nearly a million people know how proud I am of my daughter.”

The three photos show Ciarán and Niamh holding hands and standing in front of their house; it was the same location however at different times.

The oldest photo was taken during Niamh’s first day at St. Therese of Lisieux Primary School in September 1999.

The second was on her last day at school in May 2013, and the last photo was taken in the summer of 2018 during her university graduation.

Individuals began to flood Ciarán’s account with positive comments.

Apart from being framed and exhibited at home, these treasured images are now being viewed by numerous internet users all over the world. Ciarán’s Tweets are now restricted, but in terms of statistics, the father-daughter photographs received over 88.6K retweets and 948.9K likes!

Niamh is now a math and science teacher, of course, Ciarán couldn’t be more proud of what his daughter has achieved in life.


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Bài viết do Liz Teisan (@littlebigvoice) chia sẻ

The “How It Started, How It’s Going,” trend is still alive and people, particularly families, are now more creative in recreating their unforgettable moments from the past.