Home relationship If your husband prefers his hand over you, you should know these...

If your husband prefers his hand over you, you should know these things

If your husband prefers his hand over you, you should know these things
1. You reject him most of the time

When you reject him more than you accept him, he might return to his good ole friend, “his hand.” And he’d pleasure himself. Because his hand never rejects him.

It’s okay if sometimes you’re not in the mood for intimacy. You’re exhausted and don’t want anyone touching you.

But if you’re tired ALL THE TIME? It sends a different message to your guy. So because he doesn’t want to bug you or get rejected again, he would help himself.

2. He loves you but is not attracted to you

Your husband might no longer be s3xually attracted to you.

That’s why he prefers his hand over you. But it doesn’t mean he’s fallen out of love with you.

He probably still loves you. But for men, s3x comes with physical attraction.

A man must be attracted to a woman to want to sleep with her. And if he’s no longer attracted to her, he won’t go there.

So maybe you slacked a bit in your physical appearance. And he’s no longer seeing what turns him on about you anymore.

3. His hand is more affectionate

If you lay d0wn like a l0g waiting for your husband to finish and get up, he might as well not do it with you.

Most men would rather use their hands than sleep with a partner who makes them feel like crap after intimacy.

Let’s face it.

For all he knows, his hand is more affectionate and active.