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A passenger went viral for saying she refused to swap seats so a family could sit together and now a travel etiquette and compassion debate has blown up on Tiktok

A passenger went viral for saying she refused to swap seats so a family could sit together and now a travel etiquette and compassion debate has blown up on Tiktok

On October 20, a creator whose bio says her name is Maresa Friedman posted a video where she appeared to be sitting on an airplane. A screen caption on the post read, “I’m not a villain for not moving from the seat in first class that I paid full fare for, I’m also a mother so it’s called PLANNING AHEAD.”

In a series of clips, Friedman explained that the family of three had asked her to move from her seat – which she had specifically chosen – so that they could sit together.

“I’m sorry moms and families but as a fellow mom I’m not a villain for not giving up my seat,” she captioned the clip, which has been viewed more than 1.4 million times.

@maresasdI’m sorry moms and families but as a fellow mom I’m not a villain for not giving up my seat♬ original sound – Maresa Friedman | Strategy

The woman – also a mom – acknowledged people could see her as a ‘villain’ but had her reasons for not moving.

The woman – also a mother – acknowledged that people might see her as a ‘villain’, but she had her reasons for not moving.

Since first class seats offered two on each side of the aisle, the family wanted Friedman to move so that they could sit together in the seat next to each other, as well as take the closed island seat in the middle.

But she refused, suggesting instead that the family move to a different section of the plane that was in a different formation.

This reportedly only angered the family even more.

“The flight attendant looked at me and was like, ‘That was a good suggestion,’ but it didn’t stop this mom from [giving me] side eye,” she recalled. “I was getting looked at, she was talking about me.”

Friedman responded to those who told her she should have moved, saying that as a mother, she always prepares herself when flying with children.

@maresasd Replying to @acdaniel1987 ♬ original sound – Maresa Friedman | Strategy

“Even in the early stages and I would buy my baby a seat next to me,” she said. “But when you book with the airlines, you have to tell them to book your reservations together and that you’re traveling with a minor. That way, when they are looking to bump people they make sure to set you next to one another.”

Many users who agreed with Friedman said they would do the same thing in their situation.

“I do not think it’s right to ask other passengers or pressure other passengers or expect other passengers to give up their seats to seat a family together because nine times out of 10, it’s poor planning on the family’s part,” said one user, who said she works as a flight attendant.

“I have been yelled at, cursed at, told that I am an unkind person because I refuse to move my seat,” said another user who said they travel frequently on business trips, adding, “I’m not being unkind but I booked my travel just like you booked your travel, and you should have picked your seat.”

@aabwinstel #stitch with @maresasd pretty sure this is a controversial flight attendant thought #flightattendantlife #jumpseatwithaly ♬ original sound – Alyssa Winstel

Commentators were quick to weigh in on the situation, divided on who was wrong.

“It’s called just being a nice person lol. Don’t see the issue with switching to a dif 1st class seat,” one user chastised the TIkToker.

“Was there a reason you couldn’t move to be nice? Or like, you just didn’t feel like being nice?” asked another.

“Their lack of planning does not constitute your emergency,” one user wrote, with another commenting that they would have done the same.

“Thank you! Other people having kids is not my problem,” added another.

Despite the initial support, a hostile debate soon erupted between Friedman and another user, who said he disagreed with her.

@maresasd #duet with @brithefamilyguy #Stitch ♬ original sound – Brian Pakpour

TikToker, whose bio claims to be a divorce lawyer named Brian Pakpour, posted a video on October 26 that received 38,000 views.

Who cares if you move your seat so that a family can sit together, but you’re going to be so elitist that you think, ‘No, I have my seat,'” he said, captioning his post, “Let’s do better, people!!! Compassion is never wasted.”

Pakpour received a mixed response in the comments section, including many from people saying they thought he was wrong and that the family should have planned ahead.
