Home Tricks-Tips A single cup of this natural remedy is enough to clean and...

A single cup of this natural remedy is enough to clean and perfume the dishwasher.

The dishwasher is among the most requested appliances to keep dishes clean in the shortest possible time.

Many people, however, neglect maintenance, which can affect its performance and functionality.

As this device is constantly in contact with water, limescale deposits, mold and bad odors may occur.

If you want to put an end to these problems, let’s see how to clean and perfume the dishwasher using the glass method.

Before you start

It’s very easy to do this cup trick. Just one glass is enough to fill with the natural ingredients that we will talk about in the rest of the article.

We use this cup as a DIY measuring cup to clean your dishwasher quickly.

Sodium bicarbonate

Firstly, add baking soda to the glass, which has excellent cleaning, degreasing and descaling properties.

To do this, fill the glass with this ingredient and, if desired, add 3 or 4 drops of the essential oil of your choice. We recommend that you choose lemon or mint, as they can neutralize bad smells from the device.

Then place the mug in the dishwasher and run an empty cycle. The result? A clean device with no bad odors.

You can also use this trick to clean dishes, but without essential oil. All you need is baking soda.


Vinegar is as effective as baking soda in removing limescale and grease. That’s why you can also use it on the stove.

To do this, pour 1 full cup of vinegar into the dishwasher and start the cycle empty. If you want to neutralize unwanted odors and at the same time refresh the interior of the device, opt for apple cider vinegar.

The subtle aroma absorbs any unpleasant odors that arise in the dishwasher.

Citric acid

Citric acid is a good alternative to vinegar and is more environmentally friendly. If you want to use it in the dishwasher, add 150 grams of citric acid to a cup and place the cup in the dishwasher.

Starts a vacuum wash cycle. Admire the result: a clean dishwasher free of limescale deposits.