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Boyfriend’s mother passes away. So his girlfriend marries his father to make him happy.

Boyfriend’s mother passes away. So his girlfriend marries his father to make him happy.

A woman put her altruistic foot forward and did what she thought was best for her boyfriend; so she married her boyfriend’s father instead of him.

The woman revealed that her boyfriend’s mother passed away, and in light of the tragedy, she felt she needed to do something to make sure her boyfriend didn’t feel the absence of a mother in her life. Therefore, the woman made the choice of marrying her boyfriend’s husband so that her grieving boyfriend would not miss his mother, according to TIMES NOW.

In the video, she explained the reason behind her decision. She said,

“My boyfriend’s mother died. Because I didn’t want him to be sad, I decided to marry his father so that my boyfriend could have a mother again.”

At the time this article was written, the confession video has about 8.8 million views and 1.1 million likes on TikTok. Overall, her reveal is well received by netizens and generally, everyone in the comment section is praising her for her sacrifice, albeit some of these praises had a sarcastic tone to them.

Watch the full video here:

What do you think of her sacrifice towards the happiness of the person she loves the most?

Does it sound too good to be true?

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While this woman’s story may be unusual, it is not as hard-to-believe as the story of BF, 32, who left his wife to be with his mother, KW, 51.

KWreportedly gave BF up for adoption when he was very little and reunited with him only in 2014 after BF sent a letter to his biological mother. Soon after KW received the out-of-the-blue letter, she began speaking to BF on the phone and felt like they had “known each other for years,” KW said, as quoted by Mirror.

Back then, BF was married to wife, VC.

But KW still found herself feeling a different kind of attraction towards him and had “sexy dreams” of her son. When the mother and son finally reunited in person at a hotel room, they drank champagne together and went on to have their first kiss. One thing led to another, and they went on to have a sexual relationship behind VC’s back.

“(VC) was welcoming, yet I couldn’t warm to her,” KW said. “I felt a growing sense of competition and when BF touched her I felt jealous.”

While KW felt jealous, VC was on the side growing suspicious of her husband’s relationship with his mother and started calling her “mummy girlfriend.”

“I became even more aware of the fact that (VC) thought I was spending too much time with BF,” KW said. “She would constantly call him when we were together. Eventually, he admitted she was giving him grief about spending time with me. ‘She calls you mummy girlfriend’ he said.”

As VC grew increasingly concered of her husband’s relationship with his mother, she finally reached her breaking point and unleashed a hysterical rant, accusing him of having an affair with KW.

Eventually, BF told VC that he was leaving her so he could continue his relationship with his mother.

KW revealed in the 2016 interview that she thought sex with her son was “incredible and mind-blowing.” But she insisted it “is not incest, it is GSA. We are like peas in a pod and meant to be together.”

GSA stands for Genetic Sexual Attraction, which is a term used to refer to the strong sexual attraction two relatives feel when they meet as adults.

“I know people will say we’re disgusting, that we should be able to control our feelings, but when you’re hit by a love so consuming you are willing to give up everything for it, you have to fight for it,” KW said. “It’s a once in a lifetime chance and something BF and I are not willing to walk away from.”

Source:explore.newsner.com, worldofbuzz.com