Home Life Dear guys, if you keep doing these things, your woman will chєαt...

Dear guys, if you keep doing these things, your woman will chєαt on you and look for love elsewhere sooner or later

Dear guys, if you keep doing these things, your woman will chєαt on you and look for love elsewhere sooner or later

All of us have some expectations from our partners. If you do not get the kind of love or attention which you expect to get from your partner, you do feel disappointed. You pine for love and finally, seek comfort in somebody else’s arms. There are certain cases in which both the individuals need to share the blame for either of them to cheat and being unfaithful in the relationship. Here are a few things men do that can force women to cheat on them

1. You take her for granted

If you realize the fact that you are taking her for her granted, you must stop doing it now. Respect her and make her feel that you love her as much as she does. Sometimes, you do not even realize when you stop paying attention to them. Once you have spent a substantial amount of time with them, you stop spending enough time with them and do not take care of them as much as you do earlier. If she feels that you do not care for her any more, she will not want to be with you and look for love elsewhere.

2. You are possessive

This means curbing your partner’s freedom and invading in their space. Both of you are in a relationship and have certain obligations towards each other and are answerable to one another. But, that does not mean you will dominate her and make her feel that you control her.

3. No intimacy

If you shy away from getting involved with her physically, she is bound to get upset. You could be a shy person or someone who likes to take things slowly but you must not disregard her needs and wants. Taking things very slowly is not a good thing in a relationship. It is a very organic process and you should not shy away from taking the plunge at the right time.

4. Insecurity

Being insecure is the first sign of the relationship coming to an end. Insecurities are of various kinds. You could be insecure about your partner leaving you or you could anticipate some other fault in the relationship. All of us feel insecure at some or various junctures in the relationship. You must not let these insecurities penetrate deep into your psyche and let go of them.

5. Trust

It takes a long time to build trust and it could break only in a few seconds. If you do not trust her even without her doing anything that would have made you to do so, then there is something wrong with you. If you have some genuine concerns address them to her and have a healthy conversation about it. You must sort out things and not let these issues bring the curtain down on your relationship.

6. Do not open up

If you are in a relationship, you are expected to open up to your partner. You should share your feelings – joy, anger, sorrow, fears etc. with your partner. Even if you are an introvert, you must let your partner know what is going on inside your mind. Do not hide your emotions from them. They are the ones who will emphasize with you. If you do not open up, she will feel a certain emotional disconnect with you and would not want to share her feelings either.