Normally, you should be snoring your woes away. However, if you continue to wake during this period, a ha:tred-related issue may ha:u:nt you.
During this time, your body has the lowest temperature and should be in a deep sleep.
If you wake up frequently at this period, my darling, things could get complicated. So, do you regularly wake up between 3 and 5 a.m.?
First and foremost, we want to remind you that the most unusual incidents occur between 03:00 and 04:00 AM. That is why it is dubbed the ‘Witching Hour’. As a result, you may sense unexplained forces surrounding you or experience a ‘Awakening’.

Furthermore, at this time, the Meridian of the Lungs is engaged, which is thought to be the most’magical’ and associated with a sensation of liberation. Is anything obstructing your path? Would you like to break free? Anxiety has already set in. What’s causing the anxiety?
Are you being attacked by evil powers now that you’ve learned about the ‘Witching Hour’? Is it just nervousness that’s causing all this trouble? You should absolutely figure this out before moving on.
During this time, many of us wake up and prepare for a new day full of potential and opportunities.
However, some of us plan to wake up a few hours later. If you find yourself regularly waking up during this time, something may be wrong with one meridian.

Which one? The Meridian of the Large Intestine is stimulated during this time. If you consistently get up at this hour, despite your will, this meridian may suffer. Do you have any problems with this meridian, such as constipation, hemorrhoids, or allergies?
Furthermore, this meridian is connected with the Element Metal (Chinese Element System). The Large Intestine Meridian governs our bodies’ “detox” mechanism. What should you let go of? What bothers you? Why does your meridian work so hard to get rid of negative energy?