What Is A Brain Tumor?
According to mayoclinic.org, a brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain.
Many different types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can begin in your brain (primary brain tumors), or cancer can begin in other parts of your body and spread to your brain as secondary (metastatic) brain tumors.
How quickly a brain tumor grows can vary greatly. The growth rate as well as the location of a brain tumor determines how it will affect the function of your nervous system.
Brain tumor treatment options depend on the type of brain tumor you have, as well as its size and location.

Brain Tumor Facts
– A brain tumor can develop at any age.
– Primary brain cancer is rare. All types of brain tumor are supposed to – grow as a secondary tumor, which means they spread to
– The real cause of brain tumors is yet unknown.
– Survival rates vary from person to person.
– Despite being a less common type of cancer, a brain tumor is the most life-threatening due to its location.
– There is no chance of further spreading in a benign brain tumor, and it can be removed through surgery.
– Malignant brain tumors spread rapidly and affect brain functions.
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor in Women and Men
You may not have a brain tumour, but certain types of symptoms should be investigated. You’d have some unpleasant early signs of brain tumor.
A brain tumor can start in the brain or spread from elsewhere from the body to the brain. Signs and symptoms of brain tumor in women and men may vary in each case. The factors on which symptoms depends are—
– Size of the tumor.
– Type of the tumor.
– Location of the tumor.
Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the signs and symptoms of a brain tumors can be general or specific. The general symptoms are created by pressure on the brain caused by a tumor.
The specific cause comes out when a particular part of the brain is affected, and the tumor cause that specific part not to function well.
What are the early signs of brain tumor or cancer? Let us discuss the symptoms category wise-
General Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor
Brain tumors in men and women may appear in different shapes and sizes, which applies to their symptoms. The signs and symptoms of brain tumor in women and men are as follows-
A. Frequent Headache
Severe headache is a common indication of tumor growth in the brain. When a tumor develops inside the brain, it causes heavy pressure on the brain’s nerves and blood vessels.
This situation can create the following changes in your old pattern of headache. Such as-
– You have no history of migraines, but you have constant headaches.
– The pain is severe in the morning.
– Sometimes there is vomiting or other more problems with a headache.
– The pain becomes worse if you move or sneeze, or exercise.
B. Seizures
Seizures is most common signs of brain tumor. This word may sound a little unfamiliar, but it merely means the brain’s electrical activity. A brain tumor occupied the space inside the brain and put pressure on the nerve cells.
This can react with electrical signals and cause the neurons to get excited and create uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. This can result in changes in behavior and also the consciousness level.
A seizure can extend from mild to severe, depending on the type or location of the tumor.
A seizure may occur due to other neurological problems. So seizure does not always indicate tumor growth. Seizure symptoms include—
– Confusion.
– Jerking movement of hands and legs, which is uncontrollable.
– Lack of consciousness.
– A seizure may be the first symptom of a brain tumor.
– Changes in sensitivity, vision, or smelling power.
– Memory shortage.
– Drowsiness.
The specific symptoms mainly depend on the location of the tumor. These signs and symptoms of brain tumor in young adults include:
– Pain or headache near tumor growth.
– A problem in muscle movement and loss of body balance.
– Uncontrolled facial expression.
– The tendency to miss footsteps.
– To fumble while searching for things.
– The affected person may lose his vision entirely or partially if the tumor develops in the occipital or temporal lobe of the cerebrum
– Changes in speech, facing problems in communication with other people, and emotional level changes can occur if the tumor grows in the cerebrum’s frontal and temporal lobe.
Risk factors
In most people with primary brain tumors, the cause of the tumor isn’t clear. But doctors have identified some factors that may increase your risk of a brain tumor.
Risk factors include:
– Exposure to radiation. People who have been exposed to a type of radiation called ionizing radiation have an increased risk of brain tumor. Examples of ionizing radiation include radiation therapy used to treat cancer and radiation exposure caused by atomic bombs.
– Family history of brain tumors. A small portion of brain tumors occurs in people with a family history of brain tumors or a family history of genetic syndromes that increase the risk of brain tumors.