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Elderly Couple Shows Up Young People And Steals Spotlight With Their Youthful Rockabilly Moves

There is something truly beautiful about being active at every stage of life. When we are young adults, we are given an enormous amount of strength and endurance that propels us to live crazy active lifestyles. However, as we grow older, our bodies take a turn, and moving around doesn’t happen quite the same way that it used to. Our muscles may not warm up as easily and we wake up the next morning feeling a little more tired than when we were younger. Now, more than ever, we need to push through these obstacles and keep an active lifestyle.

Recently, in a video posted on Facebook, one couple proves that staying active and energetic is not just for the young.
The couple in the video is of Dietmar Ehrentraut, age 70, and his wife, Nellia, age 64. The Austrian couple tears up the dance floor at a dance competition in Bavaria, Germany… and their moves prove age is just a number!

As the couple twist and turn around the dance floor, itcan be seen that they are going all out for this dance competition. Performing several swing dancing partner dips and lifts, the couple earns loud cheers from the crowd. It is truly inspiring to see that age is not enough to stop this couple from doing something they obviously love.
Source: moneysavingscout.com