Home relationship Follow The Following Simple Rules You Will Never Fall Into αffαír.

Follow The Following Simple Rules You Will Never Fall Into αffαír.

Follow The Following Simple Rules You Will Never Fall Into αdultєrч.

1. Never make someone of the opposite gender your best friend with whom you share intimate discussions.

2. Never be with someone of the opposite gender when your spouse should never know you are there.

3. Never speak ill of your spouse in the presence of anyone, they will know you are not happy in your marriage and will take advantage of this by showing you false care and give you what you are missing with your spouse and destroy you.

4. Be proud to use your wedding ring outside, let them know you are married and proud of it.

5. Never visit a website that you will not be proud to tell your children and wife/husband that you visited.

6. Avoid keeping secrets from your spouse, AFFAIRS thrives on secrecy.

7. Avoid confiding in people of the opposite gender, there should be someone of your own gender that you can talk to, don’t dig the grave of your marriage with your mouth.

8. Avoid receiving unsolicited gifts and favors from the opposite gender. They will ask you for ֆɛxual favors in return, they are not Santa Claus.

9. Avoid thinking that someone is better than your husband or wife: you don’t know what their spouses go through at home, what you see outside is just a show, don’t be fooled. The grass is greener in the other’s house because it is far from you.

10. Divert all your ֆɛxual fantasies to your spouse. He or she has been placed in your life to satisfy you and keep you holy.

11. Always remember that everything that every woman or man has in their body, your spouse has too and they are not different from each other, it is only the faces that are different, it is the same package.

12. Deal with any ֆɛxual thought that is not directed at your spouse, kíll it before it kílls you. ֆɛxual error does not begin in the bedroom, it begins in the heart.

13. Before you travel, making love with your spouse and put your mind away from ֆɛx until you return, this decision can save your life and your destiny.

14. Men, avoid looking at the front and back of women and imagining what is there, it is stupid, childish and dirty to do that, it is called lust, what is there is not different from what your wife has, please do not be stupid sir.

15. Walk in the company of good and godly men/women; if you keep company with an adulterer, you will become an adulterer.

16. Discuss your ֆɛxual desires with your spouse and let them be satisfied at home, don’t look for something that will pursue you later and hurt you deeply tomorrow, your wife/husband has the best, get it at home.

17. Always count the cost of αdultєrч don’t just look at the pleasure, look at the pain, the loss of integrity, how you will hurt your wife/husband, your children, your friends and most of all GOD the Almighty.

18. Always remember that the enjoyment, pleasure and thrill that is in ֆɛx is just 8 seconds or less, it can’t be more than that but its repercussions can last for eternity. Why trade eternity for 8 seconds, is there any wisdom in that?


(Share this until all married couples know about it. You could save a soul or a family).