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Here Are 6 Things You Shouldn’t líє to Your Wife Or Girlfriend About

Here Are 6 Things You Shouldn’t líє to Your Wife Or Girlfriend About

If you want to save your relationship from further heartache, be honest and transparent with your wife or girlfriend, and avoid lying to her about some important things she should know. In this piece, I will go through the top five líєs to avoid telling in a relationship. In this article, I want to briefly discuss some of the things you should not líє about to your wife or girlfriend.

1. Your health records.

This includes everything from your blood type and genotype to your mental health and any allergies you may have. Lying about your own health, especially if the situation is serious, is a form of dishonesty that can have serious consequences for a relationship.

2. Your family history

A person’s cultural upbringing, religious education, and professional education are examples of family upbringing. It makes the other person love and accept you as you are. Falsifying information about your family’s financial situation in order to win someone over is a poor strategy that will lead to distrust and discontent in the long run.

3. Your age

Because they will eventually find out. Assuming your partner will treat you with more respect and help if you líє about your age is a dangerous game to play.

4. Your financial status

Don’t try to impress them with riches you don’t really have. If your spouse finds out the truth, it could make them lose confidence in you, treat you badly, and possibly even devalue you.

5. Don’t use empty promises to lure someone into a relationship with you.

It is a depressing and terrible idea to start dating a lady with the explicit intention of marrying her when you have no intention of actually doing so. Sadness and grief are possible reactions to this kind of action. Make sure your potential partner shares your values and ambitions before you get serious.

6. Stress

Many men are afraid to share their stress for the same reason they don’t share their pain. The other reason is that they think she can’t handle it. But women are perceptive and most likely she already knows. By not telling her, you are forcing her to use her imagination to figure out what is wrong. This is hurting her and your marriage.