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‘He’s Healed My Heart’ — Widow Gives Birth to Late Husband’s Child 14 Months After He Passed Away

‘He’s Healed My Heart’ — Widow Gives Birth to Late Husband’s Child 14 Months After He Passed Away

A woman who lost her husband in February 2020 has given birth to his baby through fertility treatments.

Sarah and Scott, a science professor, had just completed an embryo fertilization at a Barbados fertility clinic when Scott suddenly died while teaching a class at college.

Sarah decided to continue their journey of trying to have a child six months after her husband had passed. She was able to get pregnant with Scott’s baby by using the frozen embryos, and in May 2021 gave birth to their son Hayes.

The couple married in 2018 and had the first egg retrieval done in December 2019. They were together when they found out it was a boy. Sarah and Scott picked out names for their two successful embryos and planned their life together. Unfortunately, those dreams were cut short due to an unexpected medical emergency.

Sarah and Scott had completed paperwork before starting the embryo process, including what would happen to the embryos if a spouse passed away.

In August Sarah went to Barbados for the embryo transfer. A week later, she found out she was pregnant.

She shared her story on social media and soon had messages of support from people around the world.

Sarah gave birth to Hayes on May 3 with her mom by her side.

Although she was overjoyed to hold Hayes in her arms, she noted that it is painful to know that Scott will never meet his baby son.

“Holding Hayes has been such good medicine for me and he has healed my heart in a lot of ways.

“It is bittersweet because I know that Scott would have been over the moon in love with him and it is hard to experience these things without him.

dailyrecord.co.uk, apost.com