Home Life How to be the type of man that your woman finds desirable

How to be the type of man that your woman finds desirable

You want to be a desirable man. But how to be the type of man that your woman finds desirable? If you are seeking answers to the above questions, and want to be the kind of man a woman wants for a longer period, you are in the right place. Below are some traits women consider desirable in their man.

1. Don’t stop looking good

Just like men, women are also attracted by looks. Looks are important because it’s what the eyes see. Do not make the mistake of thinking that because you’re now dating or married to that woman, you can afford to look ragged and unappealing. It can cause her attention to fade away. Looks are not everything, but they are important. Stay looking classy and attractive for your partner, and watch her stay happy in that relationship. She’d even be happier to show you off.

2. Preserve her pride

Women take pride in knowing that they have a man that can withstand and survive any type of temptation. A woman’s biggest joy comes from knowing that her man isn’t the type to flirt with her friends and other women. A man who flirts and sleeps around hurts his woman’s pride.

When it’s time to take important decisions, ask for her input. Carry her along. Share your insecurities and fears.

3. Give her your time

Months and years after the relationship starts, most men put their job and friends above their marriage or woman. That is not fair. You do not claim to love someone, yet they play second fiddle. Your woman has to be priority because she is indeed priority. Spend your rarest moments with her. Buy her gifts, etc.

4. Communicate more

Do not keep emotions and issues bottled up within. If there is an issue, discuss it. If she offends you or you are unhappy about something, bring it to her attention. The solution is to communicate effectively without getting upset and frustrated.

5. Bring balance

You have something you are great at, and she has something she’s good at. The two of you together should be unstoppable. She may be a poor finance manager, while you’re good at it. And you may be poor at cooking while she’s good at it. Whatever her weaknesses are, help improve on it, that’s the point.