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How to keep your husband love you permanently

How to keep your husband love you permanently

When it comes to learning how to keep your man permanently in love with you, it’s all about actively engaging in actions that enable you to show that you are deeply in love with him.

So, learn everything about making a man fall in love with you and keep your man happy and faithful by reading on. Here are some simple ways to keep your husband love you permanently

Photo by Katie Salerno: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-and-woman-kissing-18397/

1. Believe in yourself

Realizing how great you are will ensure that your husband holds on to you in difficult times. But, more importantly, he will admire your strength and mental clarity in times of need.

2. Be a source of peace for him

Another great way is to become a source or a beacon of peace for him. He will then feel relieved after confiding in you.

In other words, you should make your partner feel ‘emotionally safe’ in your presence. Be the person in front of whom he can always tell the truth without being judged.

3. Be confident

When jealousy tries to govern the relationship, it’s best to banish the feeling. Prove to your husband that you trust him and that he can trust you, not only as a loyal partner, but as a woman who can be someone to turn to in times of insecurity, fear and even failure.

4. Physical attractiveness matters

Men love physical attractiveness in women. Working on keeping yourself physically attractive will constantly remind your man about how he felt attracted to you in the first place.

Stay physically fit and avoid looking shabby. Your sensual attractiveness plays a major role in keeping your man ‘rooted’.

5. Be sympathetic

To understand someone you must be “all eyes and ears.” Listening is the key to understanding someone. Stop complaining and free yourself from the need to identify and judge your spouse’s mistakes. Avoid the opportunity to criticize. Doing so will show him you are not only his wife, but a friend in whom he can trust.

6. Give him personal space

The importance of personal space in marriages and romantic relationships is very important to prevent boredom. When couples spend time without each other, it can be very refreshing for both the individuals in the relationship.

7. Touch your man often

Physical intimacy is one of the easiest and the most direct ways for you to express to your man that you love him.

A passionate kiss in the morning or a long hug or holding hands with him or resting your head on his shoulder are just a few examples of the various ways to keep a man in love with you.

8. Make yourself understood

To understand, you need to know how to listen; but you also need to know how to communicate to be understood. Speak without shouting, without desperation. Don’t pick at qualms, don’t twist your words, don’t “go out on a limb;” be frank and direct. Misunderstandings cause a number of negative issues.

9. Be fun

This will make him love you a little more every day. Believe me, your smile will light up the darkest days and relax stressful times. So look at the bright side of everything and help him do the same, every day. Invite him to an unexpected date or surprise him with a nice touch; and show him that even though you are his rock, you can also laugh together.

10. Try new things together with your beloved

Men love adventure! So, if you’re planning to spend quality time with your man, consider going out to try new exciting things with him that neither of you has tried before!

11. Respect him

Make your man feel like a king through your words as well as your actions. If you can give him due respect you will get the same in return. This respect for each other triggers intimacy.