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How To Make A Man Love You More : Do These & He Will Never Leave You

How To Make A Man Love You More : Do These & He Will Never Leave You

1. Let him know that you are grateful for him.

It’s hard to stay in love if you feel taken for granted. Never forget to tell him how grateful you are for your relationship. Actively express your gratitude as often as possible to make him feel appreciated and loved by you. This will reinforce his feelings in return.

2. Make things fun and light

Make everything fun for him. This way, the memories you had together will always be in the back of his mind, and he will never forget you.

3. Take pride in being beautiful for him.

There is merit in taking some pride in your appearance for being beautiful to him (and to yourself). You should expect him to do the same.

Engage in healthy, mutually reinforcing behaviors. Exercise, eat mostly good food, and you’ll be happier, more excited, and less likely to contract a debilitating disease before your time.

4. Be humble and respectful

Every man wants to feel like the head of the family and the boss over you, the woman. Every man expects respect and love from a woman and he in turn will love you.

5. Set the bar high.

Give him support and encouragement to be the best man he can be. Put him on a bit of a pedestal and expect him to live up to the vision you have for him. Make him fight and work for your love and adoration. Once he understands that his success is due, at least in part, to your faith in him, he won’t want to imagine life without you.

6. Go easy on the comments.

Everyone grumbles a little, regardless of gender. But if you can try to limit them, it will help because people hate that kind of thing.

7. Don’t put him down or punish him.

A better way to move on is to express your strong disappointment, telling him that you know he is better than this. If you tell him he is better than that, he will strive to be better.

8. Keep the lust alive.

Don’t be afraid to give him positive instruction and feedback. Let him know what you like and train him to be the best lover you’ve ever had.

9. Have your own life.

Be your own person; if he feels like he is your whole world, it will become both overwhelming and old. You must continue to be your own person and do your own thing, and encourage him to do the same.

10. Support him in everything he does

He will desperately need an ally, and you are one. Expect him to do the same for you. If your relationship is to last, you need to focus on the team. It’s about working together to keep the relationship going successfully.