Home Health How to reduce sweating easily & quickly from very popular ingredients in...

How to reduce sweating easily & quickly from very popular ingredients in your kitchen

Sweating is a natural attempt by the body to lower its temperature. Physical activities or staying in a hot environment causes sweating, situations such as stress and anxiety can also cause sweating.

Every day is considered ‘sweater weather’ for those who have to deal with the embarrassing problem of excessive sweating. It’s completely natural to sweat after some physical activity or on a hot summer day, it’s the body’s way of cooling off. However, according to WebMD, if the temperature is mild, you’re not exercising, and you’re not under any stress, yet you still find your clothes drenched that may be a sign of excessive sweating.

If you’re one of those impacted by over active sweat glands, don’t sweat it! Here are some home remedies that might help you to stay dry.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar acts as a natural deodorant because it destroys bacteria. Apply it once a day on the armpits.

On a dry cotton pad, soak the mixture of apple cider vinegar and water (2: 1) and wipe the surface of the body that frequently and heavily sweat. Do this every night before bed.

2. Tomato Juice

Tomato. ‘Tomatoe.’ No matter what you call it, it helps to get rid of those ‘sweaty blues.’
Drink a homemade glass of fresh tomato juice daily.

3. Cornstarch and Baking Soda

Put away the baking pans, put up those arms, and use this recipe stir up a sweat-free remedy with these two absorbent agents.
1/2 cup of cornstarch
1/2 cup of baking soda
Add a few drops of essential oil as a deodorant (optional)
Apply to clean armpits
Let stay for half an hour
Wash and enjoy

4. Potato

No matter how you slice it, the potato can help cut the sweat out.
Simply cut slices of potato and rub them under your arms and trouble areas.

5. Lemon

Lemon from immemorial is been used to control body odor and against excessive sweating. Citric acid kills bacteria and acts as a natural deodorant, but after treatment of the skin with lemon, you should not go out in the sun.

Cut the lemon in half and the armpits. Leave it for 15 to 30 minutes and then rinse the skin with water.

6. Salt and Lime

You can stop the sweat and make a margarita afterwards.
Mix a tablespoon of salt with lime juice and massage your hands and any other damp areas.

These home remedies are all quick and easy ways to either slow down or temporarily block excessive sweating to get you through the day.

Sources: beautifulng.com, abc13.com