My wife has been preparing for weeks for her 37th big birthday party.
The only problem is that my best friend is getting married on the same day. I asked her many times to postpone, but she refused because it is the day she was born.
She tried to convince me to go to her party, saying that as her husband, it is a must for me to be present by her side.
However, I told her, “Sorry. My friend will get married only once, while you’ll have a birthday every year.” She just smiled.
I attend the wedding, and in the evening, while I am there, I receive a text from an unknown number.

To my astonishment, it reads, “Do not bother coming home tonight. “Your wife will not be there.”
I start worried and continuously contact my wife, but she does not answer. I leave the wedding party early and head home to investigate what’s going on.

My wife has just returned from a party, and she begins laughing sarcastically. With a smirk, she continues, “I’m glad I ruined the night for you, just as you ruined mine! “This will teach you to prefer anyone else over your wife in the future.”
I became angry and upset by her immaturity. I still believe I made the correct decision by attending my friend’s wedding. Was I wrong?