My in-laws show up uninvited. They stay for hours, eat our food, and leave at 2 or 3 in the morning. My husband tells me, “You should be nice to them; they helped us buy the house.”
Lately, I started going out as soon as they came. Yesterday, I returned home early. My husband turned pale, and my MIL started laughing when she saw me.

I entered the living room and was horrified to see my husband’s four young nephews running around, ruining our expensive couch, and playing with watercolors on my carpet. I was furious; it felt like my house was a kindergarten.
My husband turned to me and said, “I would’ve made sure to tidy up everything before you came, but you got back early tonight.”

My husband still believes that we owe his parents because they helped us with money, so our home is also their home.
I can’t take this anymore. Am I being rude, or am I right to feel this way?