Home Tricks-Tips I sprinkle the sink with flour, my grandmother taught me that! The...

I sprinkle the sink with flour, my grandmother taught me that! The result is fantastic!

Do you want to clean the sink? Use grandma’s makeup. All you need is flour

Cleaning your house is not a simple activity also because you have to take everything into account, even aspects that may seem trivial at first glance.

A cleaning that seems trivial but is not at all is that of the sink .

Cleaning the sink is not an activity that should be taken lightly, in fact, over time stains , lime deposits and even food remains can form .

These situations can make sink cleaning hell.

However, there are many tricks and home remedies passed down from grandmothers that can help you get a sparkling clean sink every day.

A trick that grandmothers used to use to keep the sink clean is using flour . When we find flour in the pantry that has gone bad, it is better not to throw it away .

In fact, the use of this ingredient can be super effective if used in the right way.

If you’re curious, just scroll down the page and find out how to use flour to remove the toughest grime and finally have a clean sink .

Cleaning the sink: Below we explain how to use flour to remove the most difficult dirt.

As mentioned above, cleaning the sink may seem like a quick and easy cleanup, but in reality, it is not at all.

However, removing tough dirt can be a piece of cake with flour.

Obviously, to get the most out of this ingredient, it is necessary to follow a certain step-by-step procedure .

First, you have to recover everything you need to be successful. Of course, you should bring white flour , a sponge or soft cloth, use hot water , and, if necessary, sink cleaner .

The first thing to do is remove any remains of utensils, objects or food from the sink. After removing these things that are clearly visible to the naked eye, you need to take a small amount of flour and spread it evenly over the surface of the sink.

This will cause the flour to act as a mild abrasive that will have the ability to remove dirt without damaging the material the sink is made of.

Next, you should gently clean the surface of the sink with a damp sponge . Be sure to scrub all stains well, including areas around the edges and near the faucet. In fact , flour mixed with water can create a type of abrasive paste perfect for removing stains and the most difficult dirt.

At this point, you should continue scrubbing the sink in circular motions until it looks clean.

In addition, during the process you have to change the sponge since it appears dirty and wet it, if you think necessary, with hot water to be able to remove the most stubborn dirt more easily.

Once everything is done, you just have to rinse the sink with plenty of hot water to completely remove the flour. Obviously, to have an even cleaner result , at this point you can also use a specific detergent for cleaning sinks.

To remove lime deposits , however, you can prepare an effective paste with flour and white vinegar . You have to mix the ingredients and then spread the mixture over the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Then scrub with a sponge and rinse properly.

The flour will also be able to absorb oil and dirt, leaving everything perfectly clean.

You can use this ingredient on stone, ceramic , and stainless steel sinks . On the other hand, for materials like granite and marble, it is best to do a small test first to avoid any damage.

Try this home remedy and you will be speechless.