AITA for telling my husband off for wanting me to let my infertile BIL and his wife experience child birth by being with me in the delivery room?

My husband’s brother (BIL 37) and his wife (SIL 35) struggled with infertility for years after trying so much for long they decided to stop. But started…sort of living the experience of having a child by doing the things that parents do like getting a nursery (they removed it now) buying bany cothes, toys, attending school shows etc etc.
I’m 7 months pregnant, and BIL & SIL has been asking many questions on what’s it like to be expecting. It was bothersome with them getting involved but I grin & bear til they requested to be with me in the delivery room to experience child birth. I said no and stood firm but later discovered that my husband “volunteered” his place to give his brother and his wife both a chance to have this experience. We had a fight and I told him off.
BIL & SIL came over later to try to “talk me” into it, I nicely said no but they pushed me so I blew up telling them their fertility problems aren’t my fault (harsh I know and regret saying it) and told them to get therapy. Sil started crying, Bil asked me take time to think but I rudely said there was nothing to think about and my mind’s already been made.
They left and my husband starte raging, after yelling at me about how this is his child too and how rude and dismissive I was to his grieving and strugglig brother and wife, he told me to look him in the eyes and tell him if I would be happy to ruin his brother’s marriage when I can do this small, yet graceful deed and help BIL and wife “process” their trauma and finally make peace with it. I felt so much anger I cried, he told me to get over myself already and stop being purposefully selfish and petty.
We’re not talking now and he says it stays this way til I say yes, I might’ve acted cruel but I just wanted him as the father of my child to be with me and don’t feel comfortable with BIL & SIL being there.