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If Your Man Does Any Of These 10 Things, He Still Misses His EX

If Your Man Does Any Of These 10 Things, He Still Misses His EX

1. He mentions her all the time

A man who constantly talks about his ex is probably still hung up on her. This is a sure sign that he hasn’t moved on and is thinking about her all the time.

2. He compares the two of you

Even if he compliments you in his comparison, it’s usually not a good thing. If your partner is expressing these comparisons, it means that he is thinking about himself more than is healthy.

3. He refuses to talk about her

This indicates that there are still a lot of hurt feelings that he hasn’t processed and can’t even bear to address.

4. He is still angry

This amount of anger is a sign that even though he’s not in love with his ex yet, he also hasn’t gotten over what happened between them. As they say, there is a fine line between love and hate.

5. They always see each other

If they see each other all the time, go on weekends or even plan trips together, it’s a sure sign that he’s still holding on for dear life.

6. He gives her priority over you

At the most basic level, a person’s seriousness about you comes down to the amount of time they spend with you, no matter how busy they are. If he’s putting you first, it may be time to pull the plug.

7. He is still close to his family.

If he’s still hanging out with his family, he’s not over his ex. What other reason would he have for holding on to these relationships if not to try to win her back?

8. He is annoyed when he finds out she is dating someone else.

If he finds out his ex is dating someone else and he turns into an uncontrollable whiner, he’s mad that she’s moving on with someone else.

If he is truly happy with you and has gotten over any residual feelings of love, he shouldn’t be bothered if she is with someone else.

9. He calls his ex while intoxicated

Alcohol helps bring out emotions, but your boyfriend probably still has feelings for his ex if he calls her drunk. It’s a strong sign that he has buried feelings for her if he regularly reaches out to her while drunk.

10. He doesn’t introduce you to mutual friends.

A man who is still in love with his ex may try to keep you from going to events or seeing people who also know his ex.