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If Your Man Does These 11 Shady Things, He’s Ready To Ditch You

If Your Man Does These 11 Shady Things, He’s Ready To Ditch You

1. Gradual decline of interest

If your partner is about to break up with you, he becomes indifferent to everything that concerns you. He doesn’t care about where you are going, what you are going to do, what problems you have.

2. He doesn’t want to maintain a relationship with you

Before a breakup, He begins to ignore the woman next to him, does not text and does not call her, pretends that she does not exist.

3. You cease to interest him

If he seems disinterested in your body even when it comes to kissing you — it is a very clear sign he is over the relationship.

4. Lack of compliments and apologies

He stops paying compliments to you, does not apologize for his bad behavior and behaves as if you are just a casual acquaintance to him and not the most beloved woman.

5. Constant conflicts

He starts finding your fault , raise their tone and try in every way to push them away. Your every action can become an object of insulting criticism. He is just finding any little reason that is tangible in order to walk out that door.

6. Signs of infidelity

He may start another relationship and not even try to hide it. Thus, he tries to shift the responsibility onto his companion, to force her to break off the relationship with him first.

7. He gradually disappears from your life

The man comes home late from work and leaves before you even wake up. You don’t have breakfast or dinner together.

7. He spends weekends alone

The man is no longer interested in spending time together, he prefers to be with anyone but you. He may go out with friends or just hole up in a room by himself.

8. Change in behaviour

Men try to push away the woman they no longer love with coldness and aloofness. They may even be very rude, make scathing comments, ignore totally.

9. Constantly pointing out your flaws

When he wants to break the relationship, He starts focusing on your flaws and He doesn’t accept these flaws.

10. He has frequent mood swings.

If you no longer are able to tell if something will set him off or make him happy, it is clear he isn’t sure you make him happy anymore.

11. Your heart tells you so.

This is the biggest indicator that something is wrong with the relationship and that he is ready to leave. Your heart knows better than anything else if he is still in love with you or not. Learn to listen to it and forgive yourself if you realize he doesn’t.