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If Your Man Does These 5 Kinds of Things, Leave Him, He Doesn’t Love You

If Your Man Does These 5 Kinds of Things, Leave Him, He Doesn’t Love You

We will discuss with us in this article 5 types of things that if you as a lady start or have noticed them in your man, you better leave him alone before it gets worse.

1. If He doesn’t call you unless you call him or call him first.

If you have noticed this, and have also been calling your man and he doesn’t seem to change, it’s best to move on with your life.

2. If he yells at you and híts you all the time.

If your man starts hítting you or has been hítting you maybe because you offend him or you both had a little misunderstanding, it’s high time you let him go before it all goes wrong.

3. He always keeps secrets from you.

Your man hides many things from you and only tells you the least important things. You start hearing things about your man from strangers, while he should have told you about it. Move on with your life because such a relationship will not last.

4. He always takes you for granted.

Are you noticing that your man usually takes you for granted because he doesn’t care what you do for him, he doesn’t even repay the sacrifices you once made for him. Run away because he is not the right man for you.

5. He is abusive and always puts all the blame on you

He always blames you for any of his mistakes, he never admits that he was the one who did the wrong thing. If you have told him numerous times about this issue and he doesn’t seem to change, run away from him, he is not right for you.