Home relationship Ladies, Do this immediately you finish sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ with your partner

Ladies, Do this immediately you finish sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ with your partner

Ladies, Do this immediately you finish sʟᴇᴇᴘɪɴɢ with your partner

A popular Twitter clinical doctor on his Twitter account managed to warn all ladies tonight about what to do without delay so that they end up having form with their male companions, so that their health can be helped medically.

As soon as girls are done having paperwork with their male companions, they need to urinate inside the bathroom in one go.

Giving the reason why he stated this, he made it recognized that through the form, there is a tendency that the microorganism may have been delivered along the line and that once they urinate immediately, the bacteria that has lodged through the urethra can be flushed out.

He said that while this happens, then the girl has correctly avoided getting urinary tract infections which is not uncommon among humans today.

So to all girls, kindly make sure that you adapt to what the scientific doctor has stated, to be able to prevent urinary tract infections