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Ladies, Here Are 6 secrets To Occupy Your Man’s Mind, He Will Never Gets Enough Of You

Ladies, Here Are 6 secrets To Occupy Your Man’s Mind, He Will Never Gets Enough Of You

If you want to occupy your man’s mind as well as his time, here are some tips to make sure he can never get enough of you.

1. Appreciate your man – or someone else will!

Appreciate all the things he does for you. It doesn’t matter if these things are big or small, they are worth at least a thank you. In other words, take the time to make him feel special. Tell him how nice he is every once in a while.

2. Make an effort to improve your ѕ*χ life

Spice it up once in a while. Tell him your fantasies, listen to his. Don’t be afraid to start the romance.

3. Live, love and laugh:

Life is too short to spend with someone boring. Laugh often with him, not at him. Tell him a joke you think he might like or cut out comics from the newspaper and put it on the fridge, text or email him.

4. Feed him:

The way to a man’s heart will always be his stomach. A man loves it when a woman cooks for him like his mother does. You don’t have to cook exactly like her but, it’s the action that counts.

5. Don’t Nag:

Think before you complain. What may be seen as venting, may be seen as nagging at him, which may lead him to not listen when you have a real complaint.

6. Maintain your appearance:

Don’t let your appearance deteriorate. Remain the person you were when he was first attracted to you. Do your hair, wear perfume and makeup. Let your man know that you are still making an effort to look good for him.

The most important thing is to let your man know that you love him. Only you know how to do that. So to keep your man, keep doing what you did to get him in the first place