Home Moral Stories Little Girl Misses Her Last Bus to Help an Elderly Woman, and...

Little Girl Misses Her Last Bus to Help an Elderly Woman, and the Next Day Her Mother Finds a Letter by the Door

Mila’s desire of becoming a mathematician had always shone brightly, despite the obstacles she faced. She was determined from a young age, and her mother, Clara, did everything she could to help her daughter achieve her goals, despite the difficulties of their lives in a small, frigid town.

Clara worked tirelessly as a seamstress, her fingers frequently suffering from the long hours, simply to make ends meet. Their tiny home provided little shelter from the fierce winter winds, and Mila frequently had to pile extra blankets on her bed to stay warm at night.

Despite these obstacles, Mila stayed committed to her studies, thinking that education was the key to a better life for herself and her mother. Every day after school, she took two buses home. Her commute was long and exhausting, yet she never complained. Instead, she spent the time on the bus studying, her math textbooks sprawled across her lap as she worked through problems determinedly.

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Mila was driving home from school one chilly evening after staying late for extra math preparation. She was exhausted, but a satisfied smile spread across her lips—she had done well on her practice test, and the satisfaction of her hard work kept her warm on the cold bus ride.

As the bus approached its final stop, Mila spotted an elderly woman seated in the rear, her head resting on the window, as if asleep. When the bus came to a halt and the driver announced the final stop, Mila discovered the woman was still sleeping. Passengers began to depart, but Mila paused, concerned about the elderly woman.

“Excuse me, ma’am?” Mila gently shook the woman’s shoulder, her voice soft but urgent. The elderly woman awoke with a start, her eyes filled with confusion.

“Where am I? Oh dear, I think I fell asleep,” she said, her voice trembling.

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Mila quickly realized the woman needed help. She knew she would miss her last connecting bus home, but she couldn’t leave the elderly woman alone. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you,” she said, determined to see the woman safely to her destination.

They exited the bus together into the cold night. The streets were quiet, and the wind sliced through Mila’s thin coat, but she was intent on assisting the woman, who introduced herself as Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson took out a crumpled piece of paper with her grandson’s address, which Mila recognized as being on the opposite side of town—a long walk, especially in the cold weather. But Mila did not hesitate. She grasped Mrs. Thompson’s arm and began their long walk, providing words of comfort and encouragement along the way.

After what felt like a lifetime, they arrived at the address. Mrs. Thompson’s grandson, a guy in his forties, answered the door with a relieved expression. He thanked Mila excessively, and his gratitude was clear in every word. Mila, exhausted but relieved, rebuffed his offer to drive her home, resolved to walk the long distance back alone.

Mila arrived home well after midnight. Her mother was scared sick, but Mila explained what had transpired, and Clara, while concerned for her daughter’s safety, couldn’t help but be proud of her kindness and selflessness.

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Mila was taken aback the next morning when she discovered her mother holding a letter with excitement. It came from Mrs. Thompson’s grandchild. As Mila read the letter, her eyes widened with surprise. He was providing her a full scholarship to a prominent private school so she could pursue her interest in mathematics. The letter also pledged to cover all of her costs, including transportation, books, and uniforms.

Mila’s eyes welled up with tears as she realized her dreams were finally coming true. Clara embraced her, full of pride and joy. The trials and sacrifices of the past appeared to slip away, replaced by the bright future that awaited.