Home News Mistress ‘Wins’ Her Lover From His Wife After An 8-Year Affair And...

Mistress ‘Wins’ Her Lover From His Wife After An 8-Year Affair And Marries Him Only To Realize Being His Wife Is Overrated

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Trying to build your own happiness on the foundation of another woman’s heartbreak never bodes well in the end.

If you happen to be a man’s mistress, you can easily see all of the good parts of him and miss the things that his wife has to deal with on a daily basis.

You might dream about the day that man finally realizes that you are his soul mate and abandons his wife to be with you. However, expectations sometimes do not meet reality, and being committed to a man you only had part-time isn’t all it’s cracked up to be when it’s full-time.

In a case of ‘how you get them is how you lose them’, a woman anonymously detailed on TikTok the eight-year affair she’d had with a man before finally getting him to leave his wife. The only problem — once she had him she realized she didn’t really want him.

The former mistress shared that her lover continued the affair with her for eight long years before he and his wife finally separated. 

She admits that the torrid relationship caused “a lot of problems in his marriage” and eventually his wife had enough and left him.

The man’s wife decided to leave, but she fell into a deep depression after he married his mistress. She confessed that she had no empathy for the ex-wife and only “cared about [her] own happiness and [at long last], having him to [herself].”

She had held out for so long that finally marrying him likely felt like a victory, but since he wasn’t actively part of leaving his first wife, the victory was actually more like a consolation prize.

The novelty of ‘forbidden love’ has worn off and is now replaced with the ‘ball and chain’ she thought his wife once was. 

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One woman shared that exact experience on Good Therapy, replaying how karma had come back to bite her and because she knew what he was capable of, she didn’t trust him.

The Hidden Voices storyteller said that she lost interest in him. But that didn’t stop her from getting pregnant and having a baby girl with special needs. That, of course, required round-the-clock care and attention, leaving her unable to go on frequent outings or practice regular self-care like she did when she only had to show up for her partner in fun, carefree times.

Just as he had done with her, the husband that she ‘stole’ decided he needed a little something on the side and began cheating, something anyone could have easily predicted, given his disloyal history. 

And just as he had done to his former wife, he eventually took off, leaving her to raise their daughter alone.

She thought she had ‘won’, but she was simply the catalyst for his wife finally freeing herself of his betrayal.

The moral of her story: Trying to build your own happiness on the foundation of another woman’s heartbreak never bodes well in the end.

As for the first wife, being betrayed by her husband was a blessing in disguise.

According to the poster, she is now remarried to a man who loves her and treats her with dignity and respect.

Meanwhile, the mistress turned wife turned ex is now a single mother… a daily reminder that everything that glitters isn’t gold and that doing bad things to other women never garners good fortune.

@hiddenvoicesx #tiktokstories #anonymousquestions #anonymousconfessions #marriage #affair ♬ Dream Away – Ramol

From this situation, we can learn that no matter how attractive a man is, girl code should always be respected. It’s easy to assume you are better than or are more qualified than a man’s wife when he is whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

Your duty is that never put yourself in a position of competing for someone who isn’t available.