Home Personality My nephew is 5.Im 33F, A few months..

My nephew is 5.Im 33F, A few months..

My nephew is 5. Im 33F.

A few months ago he asked me “Auntie Franny, are you a grown-up?”

I got really quiet, cautiously looked around, put my finger to my mouth and told him “Im still a kid, but you can’t tell anyone because no one knows.

“His eyes got huge and he loudly whispered “I KNEW IT!!! “Now every time I see him, he comes up to me at some point and whispers “don’t worry, I haven’t told them.”

Then proceeds to ask more question about my life as a secret kid.

And every time I’m video chatting with him and my sister, he sneaks an obvious wink, and I wink back, and only we know what that wink means.

And to this day, he is the only person that knows I’m still a kid and that I’ve been faking it all this time.

Bubba Told Jimmy Where He Got The Truck

One day, an elderly man Jimmy was walking down the main street when he saw his old buddy Bubba driving a brand new pickup.

Bubba pulled up to him with a wide grin.

“Bubba, where did you get that truck?!”









“Mary gave it to me,” Bubba replied.

“Did she give it to you?” I knew she was kinda sweet on ya, but a new truck?”

“Well, Jimmy, let me tell you what happened. We were driving out on County Road 6, in the middle of nowhere. Mary pulled off the road, but the truck in 4-wheel drive and headed into the woods.”

‘Bubba, take whatever you want.’

So I took the truck!

“You are a smart man, Bubba!” These clothes woulda never fit you.”

Jimmy Needed To Go To The Restroom

One day, little Jimmy needed to go to the restroom at school, so he raised his hand.
The strict substitute teacher asked him to say the full alphabet before letting him go.

“But Miss, I am bursting to go,” said Jimmy.

“You may go, but after you say the full alphabet.”

“A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z,” he said.

Catching his mistake, the substitute asked, “Jimmy, where is the ‘P?’”

He answered, “Halfway down my legs, Miss.”
