Family legacies are frequently upheld with pride and expectation, with each generation carrying on the dreams and traditions of those who came before.
However, what happens when the following generation refuses to take up this mantle? This was the issue that a mother faced with her daughter.
One mother opened up on the internet.
I’m a member of Generation X, and I’m fed up with being left to bear the brunt of millennials’ responsibilities.

For example, I am 42, and my daughter is 22. She determined a while ago that she does not want any children. She is scheduled to have a sterilization treatment next year.
However, souls who need to join our family for ancestral or karmic reasons must be born. So I’m stuck with birthing and raising two infants who should have been hers but can’t because she’s too selfish to have children.

We joke that my 1.5-year-old girl, her sibling, is actually hers, but she didn’t want it. But deep down? This is not a joke. If she hadn’t been so selfish, I wouldn’t have a toddler daughter right now.