Materials Needed:
- Broom
- Hot water
- Distilled white vinegar
- Salt
- Bucket or bathtub
- Fill a bucket or your bathtub with hot water. The water should be hot enough to help dissolve the salt and vinegar effectively.
- Add approximately 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to the hot water. You don’t need to be exact; an estimate will do.
- Be generous with the salt. Add about half a cup of salt to the water-vinegar mixture. Salt helps harden the broom’s bristles, increasing its longevity.
- Submerge the broom in the water, ensuring that the bristles are completely covered. Let it soak for at least 30 minutes. You can also leave it overnight for better results.
- After the soaking time, shake the broom to remove any loose dirt and debris.
- Allow the broom to air dry. To speed up the drying process, you can place it in a way that any moisture can flow down to the tips of the bristles. For example, you can hang it upside down in your shower.
- Once the broom is dry, it should be revived and last longer, thanks to the vinegar and salt treatment.