No Men Want These 3 Things In A Relationship
1. Disrespect
Respect is among the most important things every man desires. Disrespecting a man makes him feel less. The disrespect might be in the following ways:
– Interrupting him in a conversation
– Demeaning him in public
– Not including him in a decision
– Playing on his emotions
Men all dislike a woman who doesn’t have much respect. To a man, it means he is of no value to the woman.
2. Nagging
Repeating the same thing consistently makes a man frustrated. Men hate ladies that nag too much. Telling them what to do and repeating it to their ears is one of the things you need to avoid.
3. Emotional immaturity
Every man hates women that are emotionally unstable or immature. Crying while discussing with him or trying to prove a point puts him off totally. Bottling up your emotions in a relationship is a sign of emotional immaturity.
– Lack of appreciation
– Being emotionally immature
– Comparison